Five reasons to consider professional cleaning services before moving into new offices

Business leaders who decide on moving into new premises or facilities need to prioritise the health and safety of their people by ensuring that the facilities are safe and clean. Professional cleaning services help identify issues such as damp, mold, mildew or pests and eliminate any health risks by delivering expert services using trained teams, the right products, tools and techniques to ensure the best outcome.

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Understanding the real business value of professional material handling equipment cleaning services

Effective cleaning and hygiene across the food supply chain helps ensure that all surfaces that come into direct or indirect contact with food products, including people, tools and equipment, are cleaned and sanitised regularly. This activity not only supports the safety of end users, but it ensures sustainable business relationships and on-going participation in food supply.

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Cleaning delivery vehicles

Outsourcing the cleaning of delivery vehicles adds business value to companies where logistics is fundamental to their operations. Management processes, cleaning schedules, operating procedures and tracking systems form part of how the cleaning team seamlessly becomes an extension of the business.

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Vehicle cleaning services – the unsung hero of the automotive industry

A new or freshly serviced vehicle is admired for various reasons, but seldom are any thoughts spared for the vehicle’s cleanliness. Wash bay services need well trained and managed resources, quality consumables, the right equipment and insurance. Dealerships mostly optimise the benefits of their wash bay by outsourcing the services to a professional cleaning company.

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Reflecting on the influence that cleaning companies have on the supply of safe, wholesome food

For warehouses and distribution centres, partnering with an experienced cleaning company can make all the difference to their performance and compliance with food safety requirements and on-going business contracts with big and small retailers and fast-food outlets. Cleaning companies greatly influence the supply of safe, wholesome food.

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A critical cleaning guide for ensuring food safety

Food safety is undeniably complex and encompasses multiple participants and processes that need to be meticulously managed. One such process is the cleaning process. Suppliers to the food supply chain need to ensure safe and effective cleaning in their food processing environments to protect consumers. Ensuring safe and effective cleaning in a food processing environment.

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